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Platform Specifications

Work-in-Progress Documentation

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Platform specifications are triplets of the form <system>-<architecture>-<compiler>, where each part is optional (as long as at least one is provided) and can be described as follows:

  • <system> - the Operating System (e.g. osx, windows, linux).
  • <architecture> - the hardware architecture (e.g. x86_64, aarch64, arm64).
  • <compiler> - the compiler (e.g. dmd, ldc, gdc).

Platform specifications can be provided for many build settings in order to indicate in which platforms their values should apply.

For example, to only enable a linker flag -ld_classic when on Mac OSX and architecture x86_64:

lflags "-ld_classic" platform="osx-x86_64"
    "lflags-osx-x86_64": ["-ld_classic"],

Notice that in the JSON format, the platform specification follows a single dash (-) after the setting name.

For the full set of platform systems and architectures, see the D language reference. Notice that the version names should be converted to lower case. Hence, instead of iOS, use ios, for example.

Last update: January 7, 2024
Created: September 1, 2023